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Easy Care Hair Sheep
Unlike wool sheep, Easy Care Sheep do not need to be sheared. This breed consists of a combination of Romanov, Katahdin, and White Dorper. These ewes make great mothers, and are able to breed out of season. While we calve and kid in the spring, our ewes lamb in the fall.
Our Sheep
We purchased our first set of Easy Care Hair Sheep in October of 2020. One of our pastures is heavy with fescue, and wasn't being used to its full potential. We put the sheep in a pasture that isn't as practical for our cattle or goats.
The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,The world and those who dwell therein.
-Psalm 24:1
Our family believes that we are to steward what the Lord has given us. It is important to us that we keep the land in good shape, while enjoying the livelihood that livestock provides.
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