For Sale

Syfan Doelings
SOLD out until 2026
5 months old

Syfan Bucks
Sold out until 2025
15-18 months old

PSG Doelings & CommercialDoelings
SOLD out until 2026
5 months old

PSG Bucks
Sold out until 2025
15 months old
Contact us to check current availability or to be added to the waiting list.
Bucks are available the 1st of August.
All other sales will be for fall pick-up, between early to mid-October

PCR Sales Policy
If interested in livestock that PCR has to offer we encourage you to call us and talk over your situation and livestock needs.
After you have spoken for livestock, you will have seven business days to get the down money to us. Down money can be sent via personal or certified check. Down money is non-refundable! Be sure you want and can pay for the livestock before you speak for it. If the down money and contract are not received by the seventh day, the livestock will be put back up for sale.
At the time you speak for your livestock, a contract and invoice will be emailed to you. The contract will need to be signed, and mailed with the down money. The remaining balance will be due at the time of pick-up. The remaining balance must be paid by either cash or a certified check. Anyone that does not bring such payments will not receive their livestock until an acceptable payment is received.
All buyers will be notified at the time of weaning and will have two weeks to pick up their livestock. After two weeks a per-day yardage fee of $5 per head per day will be added to the remaining balance.
We appreciate all of our past and future customers and strive to be fair and honest to work with. If you have a problem or a unique situation please do not hesitate to call us. We will try to find a solution that benefits both parties.
Thank you for your business!